【Psychology and Life】Chapter 11 — Main Points

* All the following abstractions are excerpted from <Psychology and Life>, Richard J. Gerrig & Philip G. Zimbardo, 19th edition

Chapter 11 — Motivation.

— Understanding Motivation

  • Motivation is a dynamic concept used to describe the processes directing behavior.

  • Motivational analysis helps explain how biological and behavioral processes are related and why people pursue goals despite obstacles and adversity.

  • Drive theory conceptualizes motivation as tension reduction. 

  • People are also motivated by incentives, external stimuli that are not related to physiological needs.

  • Instinct theory suggests that motivation often relies on innate stereotypical responses.

  • Social and cognitive psychologists emphasize the individual's perception of, interpretation of, and reaction to a situation.

  • Abraham Maslow suggested that human needs can be organized hierarchically.

  • Although real human motivation is more complex, Maslow's theory provides a useful framework for summarizing motivational forces.

— Eating

  • The body has a number of mechanisms to regulate the initiation and cessation of eating.

  • Cultural norms have an impact on what and how much people eat.

  • If individuals become restrained eaters, their diets may result in weight gain rather than weight loss.

  • Eating disorders are life-threatening illnesses that may arise from genetic factors, misperceptions of body image and cultural pressures.

— Sexual Behaviors

  • From an evolutionary perspective, sex is the mechanism for producing offspring.

  • In animals, the sex drive is largely controlled by hormones.

  • The work of Masters and Johnson provided the first hard data on the sexual response cycles of men and women.

  • Evolutionary psychologists suggest that much of human sexual behavior reflects different mating strategies for men and women.

  • Sexual scripts define culturally appropriate forms of sexual behavior.

  • Homosexuality and heterosexuality are determined both by genetics and personal and social environments.

— Motivation for Personal Achievement

  • People have varying needs for achievement. Motivation for achievement is influenced by how people interpret success and failure.

  • Two attributional styles, optimism and pessimism, lead to different attitudes toward achievement and influence motivation.

  • Organizational psychologists study human motivation in work settings.
