【Psychology and Life】Chapter 05 — Main Points

* All the following abstractions are excerpted from <Psychology and Life>, Richard J. Gerrig & Philip G. Zimbardo, 19th edition

Chapter 05 — Mind, Consciousness, and Alternate States.

— The Contents of Consciousness

  • Consciousness is an awareness of the mind’s contents.

  • The contents of waking consciousness contrast with non conscious processes, preconscious memories, unattended information, the unconscious, and conscious awareness.

  • Research techniques such as think-aloud protocols and experience sampling are used to study the contents of consciousness.

— The Functions of Consciousness

  • Consciousness aids your survival and enables you to construct both personal and culturally shared realities.

  • Researchers have studied the relationship between conscious and unconscious processes.

— Sleep and Dreams

  • Circadian rhythms reflect the operation of a biological clock.

  • Patterns of brain activity change over the course of a night's sleep. REM sleep is signaled by rapid eye movements.

  • The amount of sleep and relative proportion of REM to NREM sleep change with age.

  • REM and NREM sleep serve different functions, including conservation and restoration.

  • Sleep disorders such as insomnia, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea have a negative impact on people's ability to function during waking time.

  • Freud proposed that the content of dreams is unconscious material slipped by a sleeping censor.

  • In other cultures, dreams are interpreted regularly, often by people with special cultural roles.

  • Some dream theories have focused on biological explanations for the origins of dreams.

— Altered States of Consciousness

  • Lucid dreaming is an awareness that one is dreaming, in an attempt to control the dream.

  • Hypnosis is an alternate state of consciousness characterized by the ability of hypnotizable people to change perception, motivation, memory, and self-control in response to suggestions.

  • Meditation changes conscious functioning by ritual practices that focus attention away from external concerns to inner experience.

— Mind-Altering Drugs

  • Psychoactive drugs affect mental processes by temporarily changing consciousness as they modify nervous system activity.

  • Among psychoactive drugs that alter consciousness are hallucinogens, opiates, depressants, and stimulants.
